At Mere Nanhe Kadam, we foster the unique potential of every child and shape every child into smart-thinkers, energetic and ready-for-life individuals. We value our commitment towards quality early education by instilling good habits, promoting social interaction, and individual growth. We envision, nurture, develop and make future leaders out of today's children.
At Mere Nanhe Kadam, we provide:
To be an early childhood educator is to be able to influence a child’s learning in the preliminary years of his/her life – an immense responsibility and a task ridden with challenges. It is so because, the direction in which education starts, a person will determine his /her future in life.
We believe in nurturing childhood with love and care.
Our school is a home away from home for our students. Our primary goal is to give such an environment where a child can learn and explore in a playful manner.
Each child is unique and special to us. We don’t deal every child in the same way. We deal every child in that way as they need because,
A genuine child’s plea is: Don’t teach me the way you can.
Teach me the way I can.
Strong Academic Foundation
Wholistic Development with so many Co-curricular activities
Child-Friendly environment with Love and Care
With a 1:20 student teacher ratio, we ensure every kid gets individual care.
We provide effective webinar training for parents.
Our teachers take full responsibility for a child’s academic excellence and overall development.
We educate children from scratch.
We offer impressive extracurricular activities.
We instill good habits at an early stage & make impactful positive behavioral change.
© 2025 Mere Nanhe Kadam a play school All Right Reserved. Developed By VenPep.